
作者: 时间:2023-02-28 点击数:


   Every resident will receive a set of keys to an apartment (one for the building entrance door, one for your apartment door), and return them when the contract ends. Residents shall make sure that the apartment is locked and take careful of your expensive belongs.


   Appointments have to be made before your visit and the visit time is 9:00AM-11:00PM. All the guests should register with a valid identification (ID card, passport or students ID card, etc) in the duty room, tell the guard the visiting causes and the visiting room number. When leaving, do not forget to take away the identification kept in the duty room


   It's forbidden to keep others living in the apartment without permission. Any person who enters without valid identification will accept serious consequences.


   Take good care of public facilities and apartment equipment furniture. It's strictly prohibited to damage public property. It's forbidden to move the furniture and change the arrangement of the apartment; insert no pins or nails into the walls or furniture; be careful when moving stuff so as to not ruin the floor and wall tile; take good care of household items in the apartment; keep the wall clean and don't scrawl; there will be penalties for damages.


   It's forbidden to use self-provided high-power appliances, store inflammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic or radioactive materials in apartment.

   6.严禁在公寓内酗酒、赌博、打架、吸毒、传教等不良不当行为; 严禁在公寓内大声喧哗、哄闹、吹拉弹唱及从事其他影响他人的活动。

   It's forbidden to create disturbance, indulge in drinking, gambling, quarreling, fighting, taking drugs, preaching or other misconducts in apartment. It's forbidden to take activities which would influence others' study and rest in apartment, like making noises, playing loud music etc.


   Keep apartment clean and in good order and take the bags of trash into the garbage bins on each floor. Don't flush newspaper, plastic bags, solids or garbage down the toilets and drainpipe that may be blocked up. Don't litter through the windows.


   Close windows and doors in time and keep valuables appropriately. Save water and electricity. Turn off light and faucet when it is needed.


   When you finish laundry, DO remember to turn off the water tap to avoid the flood.


   When finishing cooking, DO remember to turn off the gas valve.


   Big party is not allowed in the apartment without permission.

   12.未经允许,禁止将公寓钥匙交由本公寓内学生保管,当外专本人 不在公寓内时,严禁本公寓内学生私自进入其公寓。一经发现,严肃处理。

   It's forbidden to give foreign expert apartment key to students in this building without permission. Students in this building are not allowed to enter foreign expert apartments when the expert is out. Any person who violate the rule will accept serious consequences.


   It is not allowed to change the locks of the apartment or make copies of the key for others or add anther key without permission.


   It is not allowed to kill any animal including chicken and sheep in the apartment.


   Pets should not be brought up in the apartment.


   When you leave Jinan for other places, it needs to be registered with the police. You may tell the contact person of your departure and arrival date of Jinan city. The staff of International Office of SDUTCM will help you.


   When you finish the contract, please clean your room as clean as it was, otherwise you should pay the cleaning service.

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